donderdag 10 januari 2013

SWAN open mic Amsterdam-Noord

Before I'm gonna report on the SWANblog about everything what happened last night I will write here my report about my own gig last night in the Noorderparkkamer. I mean, that's how it all started: I like what I really am and since I found out I have got at least three nice schizo-personalitys ( teacher, author, musician ) life became just one big party even when I visit hell sometimes. Since I tell myself I am the 'one and only enlightened borderliner', my life changed completely. ( But... to be honest, what I really am is none of all these identitys, because I don't believe you and I really are existing, so whatever is happening it  is all a beautiful illusion.)
Anyway, it all started by looking for a stage where I can sing my songs everyday. If not possible: every week. If not possible: every month. ( I'm pretty flexible.) So this is what happens: first I found - by coincidence - the Tricky Theater ( Barco these days), then I found the ASG ( Amsterdam Songwriter Guild ), then I found Bruno Edsme and then I found The Noorderparkkamer.
In the Tricky Theater I started singing some of my songs, the ASG supported me by  letting be SWAN  their 'daughter', and Bruno offered me to help and to find a stage for singersongwriters in Amsterdam - Noord , and The Noorderparkkamer offered a stage. So now I can sing my songs once a month. Need to cycle just 10 minutes. Well this is my ego-trip, but to tell you the truth, it gives me so much more fun and happiness to listen to the many other musicians who come from all over the world to play their songs in a house with just one room somewhere in the middle of nowhere. And this house with just one room is called the Room of the Northern Parc. ( sounds weird in English, so let's translate this in Dutch: Noorderparkkamer.) Now this is an important thing to realize: Bruno Edsme and I work together by organizing these nights and I love doing this with him 'cause he's a very special person.
What I actually want is to get some rappers in that Room, I know these guys like to be tough and think they need their own scene, but so what. I like free jazz, I like punk, I like Joan Baez and I like rap. In Amsterdam-Noord I've heard some really good rappers.
But back to me. I played last night three songs and I choose the most easy songs for us to play. This is because I've gotta lot on my mind nowadays, (as a teacher on a primaryschool I need to take good care of my lovely 25 kids. ) So when I started I thought this was gonna be easy, but then something weird happened: me and Mick were not tuned,allthough we both tuned in just before playing.The difference between our sound was at least a whole tune ! I couldn't believe my ears but after two measures we stopped and took a second change after tuning in again.
Then we played three songs ( Like a Bird - What I really Am - Why does it take so long) and I think we did allright for now. Although next time I wouldn't choose these three songs together anymore. While I was playing I notices Gareth Evens Jones came in and I was happy he came because I asked him many times and he's a busy man but I knew he would like the place. And I had put him on the list as second performer, so he had to sing after me. So when he started to sing his song about this angel 'you're my favourite angel 'I was happy to hear him again after almost 8 months.
 I met Gareth many times at the open mic at the Tricky Theater, we even played together sometimes: me singing and he playing drums ! The host at the Tricky Theater used to be Dzuana and she also came in last night !  She messaged me if there was still place for her to sing her newest song and later in the evening she did play her songs. So Gareth and Dzuana reminded me of the good old times at the Tricky Theater where it all started in summer 2011 for me to be a singersongwriter. ( before that I didn't know I would be one, I am still not sure about me being one actually, because I don't like to play on my own. I do sing at least 25 originals though).
The other songwriters who came in last night were Otto Cepella, Lukas Blom & Vincent Hoftijzer, René de Vries and they were playing so good !  I know they are good musicians because I met them before at different places in Amsterdam and they played last year already several times at a SWANnight. I hope they keep coming back !
For me was Uri Deeper Water a surprise, I didn't know him but last night almost all musicians told me they already knew him for many years. I thought Uri is a great musician and entertainer with a very unique personality. He lives in Amsterdam-Noord so I hope he will show up every month to play at SWANnights. And for sure, I will play with him at his Fridaynightsessions at the NSDM werf one day.

Then there's somebody else I like to mention on my blog and that is Joan. He is from Spain, Barcelona, and he came all the way from The Haque to play at the Noorderparkkamer.
 He calls himself El Soll, El Sol, Soll El, or whatever, I can't handle is artistname, untill now he tells me everytime I write the name in a wrong way. I'm sorry, I will look it up later again, but just now I want to tell you that he is such a special guitarplayer and he sings from is heart and I thought he was playing so damn good that - when he told me he wanted to leave because he was not feeling well - I stole wine from the Noorderparkkamer to let him drink as much as he could handle. Anyway, I hope he will return one day, I really liked him.
Otto Cepella, a singersongwriter who let his guitar sing for him  in a beautiful  way
Lukas en Vincent as the Lonely Panda's

Rene as De AS
Ellen the bartender

sweet Marjolijn

 Margreet having fun with Vincent
I told you about the musicians but let me tell you about three woman who really mean something to me, and that are Marjolijn and Ellen. Since Bruno and I organize these SWANnights in the Noorderparkkamer, these two woman were almost always there to help. Marjolijn will leave me now for she doesn't work anymore for the Noorderparkkamer, but last night she came back just to help me out. And I called Ellen just one day before the SWANnight to help me out with the drinks and to get fixed some important things and she came all the way down to help. Thank you, ladies, thank you so much ! Then the third woman who really make me smile is Margreet. She's in the audience but she is so spontanious and enthousiastic about all the singers and I just love her to be in the audience.
Last but not least: I need to tell about Bruno. Bruno took his turntable and I thought that was so cool !
He did a great job with the sound and I think it's such a shame he didn't want to perform last night. He is such a good entertainer and we are a great team together. We went to another café to get drunk of the red wine and talk about the fantastic SWANnight.
Okay, this was my report about last night. Today I will report on the SWANblog and I'll put all the picture I took on it. I will write this report in DUTCH.
Click here:: SWAN

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